Indonesia Market
It begins in the year 1978, during that time Hospital Expo still run in a very simple way and seems there is no technology involved. Even “stand building” sound unfamiliar.
During that period booth made from wood materials, this condition made the setting and demolition needs much more time.
As the development appeared, it makes the demands of the operating condition of the exhibition increase such as capital and law firm.
In order to fulfills that purposes, a group of Indonesia Hospital Association (IHA) officials perform PT. Okta Sejahtera Insani with various activities such as Hospital Expo to assist Indonesia Hospital Association
This PT. OKTA SEJAHTERA INSANI established in the year 1994.
Indonesia is a developing country, which is actively, builds the nation especially in health sectors. It was in the era 70’s appeared the awareness the need of modern health infrastructure and modern health equipment for the nation. For that reasons we organized the first Hospital Expo in Jakarta, together with the celebration of five years anniversary of the Jakarta Metropolitan Hospital Association. Since that time, we continue running health events mainly exhibition, seminar and others
Do to demand of development of the government regulation we have to provide a law firm, we formed PT. OKTA SEJAHTERA INSANI (PT. OSI) in 1994 which the activities include Hospital Expo.
Since 1990, the private sector also has an interesting progress. This situation has an implication of growing competitiveness beside partnership and solidarity among hospitals. Orientations of hospital equipment moved from Europe to Asian countries product. The hospital accepted equipment from China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, India, Malaysia, Singapore and others
The latest development of PT. OSI activity is the Surabaya Hospital Expo held in March 2005. This is to anticipate the development of Eastern Indonesia region. The first Surabaya Hospital Expo was performing together with Indonesia Hospital Association work meeting in Surabaya on March 2005.
Giving information about the development of health equipment to the public mainly to the health community
To build the exhibition as the meeting point between the producers and consumers
To stimulate the growth of the Indonesian production of health equipment
To motivate the consumers of willing to use the health equipment of Indonesia product
To build the national health equipment network