AACC is an international scientific/medical society of clinical laboratory professionals, physicians, research scientists and other individuals involved with clinical chemistry and related disciplines. Founded in 1948, the society has over 8,000 members and is headquartered in Washington, DC.
Our vision is to provide leadership in advancing the practice and profession of clinical laboratory science and its application to health care. We are best known for the journal Clinical Chemistry, the most cited in the field, and for our annual meeting, the world's largest lab medicine conference with nearly 20,000 participants from more than 100 countries. AACC offers many programs that address the scientific, clinical, technical, and management challenges facing laboratory professionals.
In 2001, AACC spearheaded the development and launch of Lab Tests Online, a non-commercial resource on laboratory testing that has become a premier healthcare website that attracts more than two million visitors per month. The site was developed in collaboration with 16 other professional societies and is supported by several industry sponsors. Through partnerships with national societies in 16 countries, Lab Tests Online is now a model in the campaign for health literacy around the world, providing high quality information on lab tests in 14 languages and adapted to national medical policies and practices. Lab Tests Online is both a global standard for patient education and a vital means for increasing the visibility of the laboratory profession.
The association is divided geographically into 20 local sections which provide local conferences and networking opportunities throughout North America. In collaboration with sister societies in other countries, AACC hosts conferences in other regions of the world.
AACC also has 17 Divisions for members to join. These scientific Divisions are specialized interest groups that provide education and networking opportunities for their members. Divisions further the association's vision by advancing the practice and profession of clinical laboratory science and its application to health c