Med-e-Tel is an event of the International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth (ISfTeH), THE international federation of national associations who represent their country's Telemedicine and eHealth stakeholders.

The ISfTeH exists to facilitate the international dissemination of knowledge and experience in Telemedicine and eHealth, to provide access to recognized experts in the field worldwide, and to offer unprecedented networking opportunities. Med-e-Tel is one of the instruments that help the ISfTeH to realize this mission.
Med-e-Tel 2015 will be held in conjunction with the IHE-Europe Connectathon 2015, IHE's annual connectivity test marathon where health IT companies test the interoperability of their products against multiple vendors' systems. They perform these tests using real world clinical scenarios following IHE Integration Profile specifications across a variety of domains (radiology, cardiology, pharmacy, pathology, patient care devices, patient care coordination, laboratory, ...).

eHealth, Telemedicine and Health ICT are a tool at the service of medical and nurse practitioners, patients, citizens, healthcare institutions and governments. It involves many different stakeholders who need to be brought face-to-face to share aspirations, learn from research and experiences, show the possibilities, understand the market, discover new applications. Med-e-Tel is the meeting place with a proven potential for Education, Networking and Business among a global audience with diverse professional backgrounds.
Attend the vast conference program featuring over 150 presentations and workshops, and learn from experience built up by experts from around the world. Hear about current applications and best practice examples, see a glimpse of future trends in Telemedicine and eHealth, and their effect on the healthcare system as a whole. Get an update on new developments that will allow you to stay ahead and make more effective and efficient use of technologies to improve quality of health, medical and social care.
Med-e-Tel promotes and enhances cooperation opportunities, and is the place to establish partnerships and contacts, both globally and locally. Meet and network with healthcare and industry stakeholders, use the dedicated meeting areas and events at Med-e-Tel to exchange ideas. Attend meetings and presentations from a number of international and regional organizations, and expand your network.
Meet with industry representatives and see the solutions and technology at work in the expo and networking area. Participate in demonstrations that will give you a better view on the potential behind Telemedicine and eHealth tools.

Med-e-Tel focuses on eHealth and telemedicine applications and a wide range of other medical ICT applications and on the convergence of information and communication technology with medical applications, which lead to higher quality of care, cost reductions, workflow efficiency, and widespread availability of healthcare services.
The "Med" in Med-e-Tel stands for healthcare services (institutional and home based care, prevention and education) and for medical products and equipment (medical imaging equipment, monitoring devices, electronic health records, etc.).
The "e" stands for the electronic and IT industry and services (hard- & software, apps, etc.).
The "Tel" stands for telecommunications (mobile, satellite, videoconferencing technology, etc.).
The services and applications presented at Med-e-Tel include:
computer hard/software and peripherals
consulting services
diagnostic/monitoring systems and devices
electronic health records
home and personal monitoring services and equipment
hospital information systems
imaging devices and systems
mobile/wireless devices and applications
satellite communication
secure data transmission
surgical systems
systems integration
telecommunication services and devices
telecare/telehealth/telemedicine equipment and assistive technologies
vital signs monitoring
In a professional and business-minded environment, Med-e-Tel brings manufacturers and suppliers together with a qualified and international audience of healthcare service providers and other key contacts such as:
association executives
distributors and agents
educators and researchers
funding agencies
government representatives
health insurance providers, mutualities
homecare service organizations
hospital management and department heads
international authorities
medical specialists and general practitioners
venture capitalists, investors
for the purpose of establishing new contacts and developing existing relationships.
The event also features many educational opportunities through its extensive program of presentations, panel discussions and satellite conferences on topics such as:
broadband and wireless networks
business models
cost-benefit studies
current eHealth realizations and projects
developing countries and low resource settings
distance education
eHealth integration into routine medical practice
electronic records
home monitoring and homecare applications
legal and ethical aspects
reimbursement issues
standardization and interoperability
telemedicine applications and projects
The event is supported by a wide range of national and international associations, institutions and media who are involved in the research, development or funding of eHealth and telemedicine initiatives.