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Macron In Beijing: French President Begins China State Visit


With political upheaval impacting his EU neighbours, president Emmanuel Macron comes to China,with the clear message: talk to me and you're talking to Europe.England is, you know, leaving Europe. Germany is, you know,very strange political position.And France is very central.Macron and President Xi Jinping have met just once before at last year's G20 summit.And Macron will be looking to China to reaffirm its commitment to the Paris Climate Accord to control global warming. It was signed just two years ago, but damaged by the US decision to pull out of it. And it's very important now for France to talk with China about environment. Because America, a US president Trump leave the conference.


This is macron's first state visit to China. And we can expect the usual flurry of trade deals and possible agreements on future nuclear power projects, in which both France and China have expertise. But as permanent members of the UN Security Council, they're also likely be talks on the war in Syria and on the North Korean crisis.


In both China and France, there's been alarm at the kind of insults, traded by the leaders of the U.S. and North Korea. And China will be looking for support for its so-called double freeze proposal. That calls for the U.S. and South Korea to suspend military exercises, in return for North Korea halting its missile tests. I'm sure China hopes Macron will support this plan. But if the French come up with his own ideas, China will consider them carefully.


In the face of so much international instability, French and Chinese diplomats will be hoping that the spectacle of two world leaders, holding a state visit, will in itself be a stabilizing influence.


From:BBE English

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